Sunday, January 22, 2017

Making Memories into a Memoir

First Graduating DCS Class 1971
One of the challenges writing a memoir in your 70's is that sometimes your recall of specific events starts to fade. Fortunately for me I get to revisit those memories at the annual TWA DCS (Director of Customer Service) reunion. Our 2016 reunion was held in San Antonio.  It was a pleasure reminiscing with the guys and gals who shared our unique in-flight positions with the airline. As we strolled together along the Riverwalk, toured the Alamo, or dined together as a group, we recounted stories of our experiences during that "golden age of aviation".

While listening to the narratives of my former colleagues, I recall some of my own similar experiences long forgotten, that gives me more intersting content for my memoir. There's a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in that group that just can't be found on Google or Wikipedia.

The above photo was the first DCS class to graduate (1971). I'm top row, third from the left (that's when I had a decent head of hair).  In the photos below Stacey and I stand under the 2016 reunion banner; and our group photo of former wide-body and narrow-body aircraft DCSs.  I think we've faired pretty well considering the many miles we have on us!

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